Many poker players aspire to succeed in playing poker for money, and it’s certainly true that one of the game’s most exciting things is the prospect of making good money, and even really good money, just by playing it. How can you beat that when you can have this much fun and make it decent to great money on the situs judi online website? So naturally, many players wonder how much you can do to give them a good idea of what they might expect if they put the work, they need into their games to reach their potential. There are a lot of factors that go into this kind of estimate, so people need to go over those first before they can talk about what would be reasonable to expect as far as win rates and net profit are concerned.
And How Much Can You Do When You Play Poker?
The next biggest factor after attempting to increase the disparity in your ability level, the gap between your abilities and your opponents’ average skill, is the number of stakes you are playing. People always recommend learning to beat the smallest stakes first and then working gradually upwards as you improve, moving up to the next stake as you demonstrate the ability to beat the current one at least to a degree of reasonable certainty.
Cash Games
If you’ve got a positive win rate, you need to pat yourself on the back. Over time, almost all poker players lose money. If you aren’t a winning player yet, just remember one thing, it’s not that hard to master the game enough to start making money from it. The fact remains however that most players are not accepting it. Many of the winning poker players average between 1 and 4 major blinds per 100 cards, or up to 4bb/100 in other words. That doesn’t mean you’re confined to that though, and the better you’re, the worse you’re, the more you’re going to make.
If you’re playing tournaments, the measuring standard here becomes what’s called return on investment. This is determined by taking the amount that it costs you to play in terms of purchasing ins and measuring the percentage of that which is your income. So, if you make10 dollars for every100 dollars invested in tournament entries, your ROI will be 10 percent. 10% is a pretty good ROI, and while you can do better with the smaller buy-ins if you’re a good player, that’s what most good players are striving for, even at the highest-level buy-ins.
Quality Over Quantity
Many successful poker players at the same time play a lot of tables in the situs judi online website to increase their profits per hour and very often see higher profits per given amount of time even though their bb/100 might go down. You need to pay close attention to this though, as this is not always the case, and it depends a lot on how well you can play at the same time with a certain number of tables running.