Many of our rules simply state that “there is a betting round in between.” Because the rules for betting rounds are always the same, they are discussed separately here.
The basic Rules
The basic principle of betting is that in order to stay in the game you must at least pay the highest raise.
Example: If A bets $ 10 and B raises to $ 30. A must either pay $ 20, raise or surrender.
Usually in the first round of betting, there are mandatory initial bets that force players to either pay, raise, or fold, meaning that no free hand can continue. This is the case, for example, with Texas Holdem, where you have to pay a blind bet to stay in the game. In subsequent betting rounds, the game remains on the pass before one of the players raises.
The betting round is continued until the players have played at least once and made the same amount of money in the pot or folded.
Example: In a three player game, A raises, B calls and C’s turn. If C calls or folds, the betting round ends. If C raises, it is A and B again. In addition to these rules, two more basic principles are needed.
Placing all the money in the game stays with you until the end. The player who has put all his money into the game stays with the hand until the cards are dealt. Other players can continue playing normally, but that doesn’t affect a player who has all the money in the Lions.
You can’t win more than you have put in the pot yourself. If you put all the money in the pot yourself, you can’t win more than a single player, even if the other players have more money.
Most of the time, the situations remain simple, but sometimes different types of bets can lead to complex situations, especially in no limit games (see below). Here are two examples of difficult betting situations.
- Player A has $ 100 in cash
- Player B has $ 300 in cash
- Player C has $ 600 in cash
Player A raises $ 100, or “all-in”. Player B pays $ 100. Player C puts everything into play. Player A doesn’t have to do anything because he already has everything in the Lions. B gives up.
The pot is now $ 100 for A, $ 100 for B and $ 600 for C. Since A can’t win over C over his own bets ($ 100), C’s extra will be ignored and the game will total $ 300 (A $ 100, B $ 100 and C $ 100). This money gets either A or C, depending on which one has the better hand. Note that B cannot win the hand, even though he put as much money into the game as A and C, because he folded: B was, frankly, playing badly.
Example 2 (very complex):
- Player A has $ 100 in cash
- Player B has $ 300 in cash
- Player C has $ 600 in cash
- Player A raises $ 100 all-in
- Player B raises $ 300 all-in
- Player C raises all-in to $ 600
Since A cannot win more than $ 100 from others and B cannot win more than $ 300 from C, there are two pots: the main pot and the side pot. Everyone in the main pot has as much money as the player with the least money in the all-in. So A $ 100 for A, $ 100 for B, and $ 100 for C = $ 300.
The money that A does not have is put in the side pot. There goes the remaining $ 200 of B and the same amount of $ 200 = $ 400 of C. The extra $ 300 from C will be returned to C.
- The player with the best hand, A, B and C, wins the main pot.
- The side pot wins B and C with the best hand.
- If the hand order is A, B, C, A wins $ 300, B wins $ 400 and C curses his bad luck.
Betting limits
There are always limits to wagering in poker. The most common practices are to either pre-set the fixed limit, limit only the no-limit money on the table or limit the pot limit. These are discussed in more detail in Betting Methods.